Introduction to Macrame

Picture it! Mississippi Late 90’s Art Class  :-) I’m a huge Golden Girl’s fan, so I couldn’t help myself. 

Can I express my excitement for one moment?! So, hopefully, by now, you know I love many things in the arts & crafts world. I can’t just do one thing and be content. Naturally, my blog can’t be geared towards one craft. It’s not in my nature. Anyone else like that?

From what I can remember, I was first introduced to this as a teenager in art class. I had a piece that I created hanging in my mother’s house for the longest time, but it’s no longer there. I wish I would’ve taken it with me a while back when I moved out. It’s pretty cool to see what interested me 20+ years ago still interests me today. That craft specifically being macramé. When I learned the knots, I was trying to make them all. I’m still that way today as well. Let’s just say I took a long break to do other things and have recently decided to pick it up again. It’s just a gorgeous work of art, and I think my appreciation is much deeper for it.

Brief Macrame History

Macrame filled the walls and corners of homes in the 70s, but it is believed the art is dated back to the Babylonians and Persians in the BC century. In modern history, the art moved from Arabic countries to China and throughout Europe. Believe it or not, it wasn’t just women who delved into the craft. It was a huge pastime for Sailors and kept them busy on those long voyages. They would produce beautiful pieces to sell or exchange at the port. It remained popular throughout the Victorian era in the 18th and 19th centuries until it phased out for a bit before resurfacing in the 1970s.

What Can Be Done With Macramé?

There are so many things that can be done with macrame, but here are just a few.

1. One of the popular macramé crafts is plant hangers. This is a super cute way to house some plants. You can use different materials for indoor or outdoor, plus there are a variety of colors. So if you’d like something more than a neutral color, I say go for it!

Courtesy of Tom Birch/ Unsplash

Courtesy of Tom Birch/ Unsplash

2. Another popular one is wall hangings and that can be in many forms. I’ve recently made two wall hangings to go in my office and for my living room wall. I plan to place felt behind my feathers to keep their shape, but not too bad for the first one after a long hiatus, right? Then, the gray/white is my biggest piece yet. It literally took me all day to complete it because I didn’t have a plan before I began. It’s definitely not perfect, but my husband and I love it so it’ll hang proudly on the living room wall.

Macrame Wall Hanging with Feathers

Macrame Wall Hanging with Feathers

Gray & White Wall Hanging

Gray & White Wall Hanging

There are so many variations and knots, there are endless possibilities on the many looks that can be produced.

3. The last popular one is jewelry, as in necklaces, bracelets, and earrings. There are many stunning pieces of jewelry made from macrame. I am definitely going to make quite a few pieces myself.

You can also make many of things like

  • Bookmarks

  • Purses

  • Bags/Totes

  • Belts

  • Hammocks

  • Keychains

  • Curtains

  • Table runners

So, as you can see, there are many things you can do with macrame. It’s a beautiful timeless craft and can liven up your walls. You should give it a try if you’re on the fence. When discussing macrame again, I’ll discuss the basic knots, different materials, and show step-by-step how to make a simple wall hanging. 

Are you new to macrame? If so, what are you interested in making? If you aren’t new, what is your favorite thing to make?

Stay Crafty!


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